We have received funding from the #VCSEEnergyEfficiencyScheme, which is helping voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (VCSEs) across England to deliver more efficient services for people and communities by saving money on their energy bills.

Our £122,047.80 VCSE Energy Efficiency Scheme grant provides us with 50% of the funding required to insulate our flat roof (2/3rds of the entire building) to the latest standards, replace the 50-year-old roof surface that is beginning to fail, and install additional solar panels to increase our energy self-sufficiency by 100%. This work is part of our journey towards net zero by 2035 and is in line with our Trustees' carbon reduction and sustainability plan.

The administration of these funds is managed on behalf of The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) by community charity, Groundwork. The scheme is funded as part of a package of over £100 million of support being delivered by the Government to help frontline delivery organisations with the increased cost of living.

Find out more: https://www.groundwork.org.uk/vcseenergyefficiency/

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